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Top 10 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Weekends

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Want a productive weekend, but struggling for ideas? Then check out these 10 tips to help your weekend be something other than just time away from work.



Your weekends are precious — you’ll want to make the most of them. You’ve probably worked all week with one target in mind — getting to the weekend and then doing something useful with it! Yet often when you actually reach the weekend, it tends to fizzle out and not quite live up to your expectations. These tips should help with making plans and sticking to them, as you’re most likely in need of motivation.


Make Plans

Decide during the week exactly what it is you’re aiming to do at the weekend. Jot everything down so you know what your weekend plan is well in advance. This doesn’t mean you can’t allow for a bit of spontaneity here and there, of course, but in the main you should know what it is you want to get out of your weekend. If you don’t have any plans, you will very often end up doing nothing!


Set Yourself A Challenge

Falling into a routine can often lead to feelings of boredom, so why not use your weekend to try a new challenge that will also improve your fitness? runclusive is a virtual events platform with a difference, which lets you experience virtually running in cities around the world. It’s a great way to keep pushing yourself to try new challenges every weekend, as you earn points for all your runs which can be exchanged for rewards. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to raise money for your favourite charity, which will give you an unmatched feeling of fulfilment!


Get Outdoors

Admittedly the weather is not always on our side — but if you’re prepared for whatever the elements might throw at you, then you shouldn’t be too concerned about getting out into the fresh air. Simply get outdoors and go for a walk, run, hike, cycle — or anything else you can think of! It’s amazing how getting a bit of exercise and fresh air will leave you energized — and if you share the experience with others, then that’s an added bonus.  


Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol

There’s no denying that most of us enjoy a drink, and the temptation when we reach Friday night is often to have a few too many. However, the next day you’ll probably feel a bit off-color and spend most of the day in bed or nursing the hangover — and so the day will pass without you having done anything. Our advice is therefore to take it easy when you’re drinking. A little alcohol can help you to relax at the weekend — but don’t let it rule your time off!


Allot Some ‘You’ Time

Rushing around and filling your time with all sorts of activities can be great fun, but will also be tiring. You may even feel at some point as though you’ve overdone it — and being constantly surrounded by activity and people can certainly take its toll on you, both mentally and physically. So, try to set some time aside for yourself, when you can indulge yourself in a book, listen to some music, or just chill out.


Allow Yourself Some Catch-Up Time

Weekends are about having fun, but can also be a good time to catch up on those things that have been niggling away at you for some time. Make use of your weekend by fitting some of these activities in — whether they are DIY jobs that you’ve been putting off, or financial issues that you need to sort out. Actually getting down to it will make you feel a lot better, as you’ll feel as though you’ve achieved something during your weekend.


Put Some Things Off

There are some things that can be done at any time — not just at the weekend. If you arrange your time in the week sufficiently well — for example by doing some small jobs during your lunchtimes — then that should leave plenty of time at the weekend to do the things you really want to do. Doing a bit of a job every day or night of the week can prevent you having to do it during your precious weekend!


Avoid Routine

Our lives sometimes get in a rut, and we do the same old things week-in, week-out. Often this is because our jobs force us into these routines — but at the weekend, you will have time to break them. Jolt yourself into a whole new weekend frame of mind by trying something different, taking up invitations, and avoiding the thoughts of what you usually do on a Saturday or Sunday.  


Find A New Hobby

Getting a new hobby can help you fulfill some of the other tips mentioned here. If you join a club, it’s likely you’ll have set plans most weekends and will have new friends to meet — plus your activity could well be outdoors. It will also help to break up a dull routine, and will give you something to look forward to. Alternatively, your new hobby could be something that you enjoy doing by yourself, and could be the ‘time out’ that you need in your weekend.


Get Sporty!

Admittedly, not everyone will be able to carry their legs around a football field for 90 minutes on a Sunday morning, but if you can do a little physical activity, you will feel great and get good health benefits. Alternatively, you could get outdoors and watch some sport first-hand, rather than watching it on TV. The weekend is when most sporting activity takes place — so why not get out of the house and see a game of football, rugby, basketball or another sport? It may even inspire you to start playing the sport yourself!




After the year we’ve had, I think we all appreciate the gift of the outdoors a little more than we used to. If it is safe for you to do so, try to get a long walk this weekend. Walk your dog (if you have one) in your neighborhood or drive to a nearby park. The sunlight will give you a boost of mood-lifting vitamin D, and the physical activity of walking will give your body a rush of feel-good endorphins. We recommend starting your weekend with a little outdoor physical exercise, so you feel energized to face the rest of the week.


It may seem like a chore, but you’ll be glad for the clean house when the workweek starts again. Start with the smallest room and work your way up from there. Buy a nice candle, play some music, and when you’re done – kick back, relax, and enjoy your new, fresh living space. A clean and clutter-free environment is suitable for your wellbeing.


Weekends can fill up fast – be sure to give yourself some time for self-care. Pick out an audiobook and listen to it while relaxing on the couch or in a bath. Try out some yoga if at all possible. Take a relaxing bath and meditate.


In the same vein as the advice given above – clarify your weekend plans earlier in the week. You’ll be glad you have already penciled in some “you” time when a friend wants to pop by for a quick visit or some other event occurs. Being more intentional with your limited weekend time will help you feel balanced and in control of your own life.


If you have a task that’s been bugging you, like cleaning out the gutters or rearranging your kitchen cabinets, choose to do them in stages during your free time in your workweek. Try organizing one cabinet a day – and don’t sacrifice an entire Saturday to it. It’s okay to defer some projects that aren’t immediately pressing. Don’t be afraid to throw things out that you do not use!


We all know how hectic a workweek can be. While it is probably more manageable these days to cook daily, as many of us are working from home – if you have free time to cook ahead on the weekends, this can make for a smoother Monday-Friday. Meal planning is a better way to ensure that you provide healthy meals for your family as well.

Click below to read some quick recipes you can make this weekend:

Read More: 5 Easy Meals You Can Make This Weekend


Saturday morning chores, Sunday calendar scheduling – while some things, like meal prepping for the week or making sure you vacuum regularly, can benefit your overall wellness, sometimes creating a too-rigid routine can hurt more than help. Your weekend is your time to relax and let loose – try to give yourself an hour or two of free time that you can choose something new to try, like painting, trying a new recipe, or going on a scenic drive.


As many of our offices have moved into our spare bedrooms or living rooms, it can feel almost impossible to avoid work on the weekends. If you work from a laptop, close it and put it out of sight. Close and put away notebooks, and turn your phone on silent. Make a point not to check your email – maybe even put your phone away for a day.


Try to go to bed at a decent hour on Friday, to wake up prepared to make the most of your Saturday morning. You’ll have more energy throughout the day and weekend overall if you start off having had plenty of rest. Use that “extra” time in the morning to sit and drink your morning coffee with intention, instead of drinking it in hurried sips while working on Monday tasks.


The weekend can seem full of promise, which makes it tempting to try to shoehorn in tasks you usually wouldn’t be able to accomplish during your workweek. Instead of jumping from one task to another – even if they’re fun! – take some time to sit with your thoughts and curate a sense of gratitude. Your weekend will pass a little more slowly, in a good way.

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