By Laudia Sawer, GNAÂ
Tema, May 8, GNA – The Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA) is to crack down on recalcitrant drivers indulging in wrongful parking and other traffic offenses in the Metropolis.
This forms part of measures to make the roads safer.
Mr Frank Asante, TMA Public Relations Officer (PRO) in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said the assembly had rolled out modalities to enforce discipline in the metropolis.
He said wrongful parking and abandoning faulty vehicles was dangerous to road users.
Mr Asante said it was worrying to see vehicles abandoned in the middle of the roads, and intersections in the Metropolis without regard to the safety of other road users.
He explained that the Assembly would undertake the enforcement exercise in partnership with the Road Safety Management Services Limited (RSMSL), which had been carrying out similar exercises in other districts.
He explained that the RSMSL had been clothed with the responsibility to clamp vehicles wrongfully parked, and those abandoned by the roadside for its owners to be charged to pay a spot fine before the removal of the clamp.
Mr Asante said drivers who failed to pay the spot fine, would have their vehicles towed to a yard prepared by the TMA at Community Four Horticulture, to pay the fine and cost of towing before the vehicle would be released.
He advised drivers to park at designated places and parks and pay and park at the TMA forecourt and the approved on-street parking spaces.
He said safety such as the display of triangles must also be adhered to when vehicles break down while effort should be made to remove them.
He said haulage truck drivers must also put in measures to ensure the safety of road users when discharging goods to shops, as blocking the views of other drivers with their trucks for hours or abandoning them would not be tolerated.
Mr Asante said haulage trucks parking on the streets, especially along the Fire Service stretch would all be towed to the designated yard.
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